Garden Starts
Beginning in March through late June, we have a large selection of garden starts available for purchase. These can be purchased at our farm store, at the Nevada City and Grass Valley Farmer’s Markets in the spring, or at a variety of retail outlets including Briarpatch Food Coop, Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply, A to Z Garden Supply, Hills Flat, Wildflower Nursery and New Life Nursery. Exact availability dates and quantities depend on germination, weather, farm scheduling and the many other factors that exist in this exciting life we live. Since we live in the foothills, we grow for a wide range of elevations and climates. If you want to know when we recommend you plant at your house, just ask! We are happy to give you a personalized recommended planting date. Feel free to call or email anytime. We will try to get back to you within 24 hours.
Starts availability varies throughout the spring depending on variety of crop (nightshades, cucurbits, etc.). Below is a list of the starts we grow and when they will likely be available. Please note that due to the many variables inherent in farming (weather, seed availability, germination, etc.), these are estimates. Feel free to contact us anytime in the spring to get specifics about what is currently available.